The Good Liver

A sprawling city of cars, hills and conflicting street grids, Los Angeles hasn’t had the best reputation when it comes to public transportation. However, the recent housing, commercial and metro developments Downtown are bringing new light to the notion of ‘foot traffic’. In the the Arts District, where lifestyle shop The Good Liver is located, you’re now likely to see passerbys walking their dogs, sipping coffee or meeting up with a friend for lunch. Acting as a modern day neighborhood general store, it is a thoughtful assemblage of inventory that speaks to both the conscientious customer and design obsessees. Owner Bert Youn, who happens to live walking distance away, sees the value and importance of the story behind every product on display. How and why and where it was made – you can discover these details whether you’re shopping online or chatting with him inside the store. Every item embodies a unification of its history, function and aesthetic appeal, with origins ranging all over the world, from Germany to Canada and Japan. Bert, who is just as passionate about his customers as he is his work, earnestly ascribes to the familiar quote from British writer and textile designer William Morris: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or beautiful.” If you believe in this philosophy, you’ll feel right at home at the Good Liver.
“Nothing beats the feeling of seeing and touching a beautifully made product in person. Knowing the importance of that drove us to open up a brick and mortar store. It’s always a pleasure to see customers realize that there’s so much more beauty and detail to the things they’ve seen online.”
“It was the characteristics and the atmosphere of this area that I got sucked into. The way everything was designed and how the buildings were preserved was nothing like other parts of Los Angeles.”
“We share stories of the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ behind each product’s creation, illustrating the thoughtful curation of The Good Liver and our dedication to a good life. We believe that delivering interesting facts makes customers care more about their purchase, and it also gives them a memorable retail experience.”
The Good Liver is located at 705 Mateo St. Los Angeles, CA 90021
Bert is wearing the Richmond in Citrine Quartz and Aya is wearing the Richmond in Tokyo Tortoise
For more features, check out David Kind on Instagram.